My name is Sandra and I am one of the lawyers listed with the Houston referral service. For many evictions you can help yourself and there’s a lot of resources that you should access to do that.
One of the main ones is the landlord tenant handbook put out by the Texas Young Lawyers Association. At the end of this video we are going to give you a page of links that you can access to get more information. So all the general advice that an attorney might give you could be found in the Texas landlord tenant handbook put out by the Texas Young Lawyers Association. We will give you that link.
Beyond that there is paperwork and more information that you might want to file for yourself. If you, for instance, got evicted you would want to know how to file on appeal. Within 5 days of your eviction, including the weekends so don’t forget to count the weekend days, you would have to file an appeal.
One of the ways you could do that is by filling a statement of inability to pay the costs if indeed you could not pay the eviction bond. If you do it that way or you could just pay the eviction bond but if you do it with the eviction bond or with the statement of inability to pay within five days of filing that you would have to pay one month’s rent if you were ordered to do that if your eviction was based upon a non-payment rent eviction, for example.
The first step is to know what your rights are, please look at the landlord tenant handbook. The second step in case you are evicted is file your appeal if you believe you have any claim for an appeal. That’s how you would do it either by posting the bond or filing a statement of inability to pay costs.
So I hope this information was helpful to you and we are going to give you some links so you can get to the documents that I have referred to in this little talk.
Thanks a lot.
Texas Law Help Eviction Information:
Texas Young Lawyers Association “Tenant’s Rights Handbook” –