Hello my name is Susan, and I’ve been a member of the Houston lawyer referral service for about two years and I’ve been an attorney for nine years. Today’s topic will be of interest to parents whose children have qualified for services under Section 504 for special education.
Parents if your children have qualified for services under Section 504 or special education and you are not comfortable with the type of support or the amount of support that your children are receiving during this time of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have a couple of suggestions for you.
First, you may want to do some research, ask some questions and find out what type of model your school or school district is using to provide support services for Section 504 and special education students during this time of distance learning. I’m aware of at least two different models being used here in the Houston area.
One where special education teachers are creating separate lesson plans and separately meeting with their students mostly online in video sessions and another model involves special education teachers collaborating with general education teachers to incorporate modifications and accommodations for students within the general education teachers’ lesson plans. Either way, this information would be good to have so that you can use it to compare to what is being provided to your child, and then you’ll know whether or not there’s some room for improvement.
Another suggestion would be to voice your concerns.
I would recommend reaching out either to your child’s administrator or case manager or classroom teacher and voice your concerns. Educators want you to be partners with them in your child’s education and while I appreciate the fact that many parents are trying to be patient and understanding of teachers who are providing instruction during this very new situation, it’s also important that your voice is heard and that your concerns are addressed.
It is your child’s right under law to receive support services under Section 504 or special education even during this time of distance learning during the pandemic. If you’ve done some research, if you’ve talked to folks, you’ve voiced your concerns, and either you’re not getting the response that you need or things haven’t improved, you may wish to consult with an attorney. If you choose to consult with an attorney, you can contact the Houston lawyer referral service.
Their office has many qualified and pre-screened lawyers who you may wish to hire in the future. To request a referral, visit their website hlrs.org or if you need more information, send them an email.
Their email address is info@hlrs.org. Thank you for everything you’re doing to provide learning while your children are at home during this COVID-19 pandemic, and I wish you and your family the very best health and good luck.